Équipe 1 – Jour 4

Woke up at 6h15 thinking about our team of 6 coming next Wednesday. Anxious for them arrive and to get into things here.

Réveil à 6h15…je pense à notre équipe qui doit arriver mercredi…j’ai hâte!!!!

Breakfast – omelet, toast, coffee, devotions from John 17 (in German, but translated softly in my ear), out the door and into the pickup. 6 battery drills, 2 hammer drills, 2 generators (1 isn’t working well) that we need to recharge the drill batteries, my big hockey sack loaded, 2 trunks of tools from the German team,2 5 gallon bottles of drinking water, 5 people in the double cab up front and 5 more on top of all the tools and equipment, and off we went. You can’t imagine how we attracted attention – all those white faces riding in the back of the truck like that…! We arrived about 9h00 and took inventory of what we left over night… nothing missing ! It was all there! The next hours were spent putting on siding, plywood deck for the second floor, assembling the second floor end walls, making the trusses for the rafters and placing them (good grief, this sun just sucks the energy right out of you) and the strapping for the metal roof. We were supposed to stop at 2h00 because of possible violence because of tomorrow’s presidential election (there’s ONLY 19 candidates). But our return transportation did not arrive until 4h30, so we had time to get things ready for the metal roof installation on Monday, if there is no violence that would require us to remain off the street.

Déjeuner et culte en groupe (en allemand). Nous attirons beaucoup l’attention avec tout notre matériel et 5 hommes blancs assis derriere le camion! Sur le site, rien n’avait disparu pendant la nuit! En travaillant la chaleur du soleil draine tout mon énergie! On devait arrêter à 14h00 à cause de la violence prévu au éléctions (seulement 19 candidats). Retour à la mission à 16h30.

Oh, yes, visitors – I think everyone in the quarter came by to see all these white guys making a house for a Haitian! Kids, kids and more kids – all as cute as can be and trying to converse with us in Creole. They steal your heart with their humor and beautiful smiles.Supper was rice with hot slices of tomato on top, chicken legs in a mild spicy sauce, cooked veggies and fried eggplant! Am ready for bed but have to sit through a planning meeting for next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Tomorrow, we would ordinarily attend a Haitian church but because of the election, our Haitian collegues tell us it is more prudent if we stay out of sight here at the guest house. And besides, the guard is here with his SHOTGUN !!!!!!

PLEIN d’enfants sont venus nous voir! C’est agréable de les voir souriant. Après souper on planifie nous la prochaine semaine. Demain dimanche on aurait normalement été dans une église haitienne mais à cause des élections on nous a recommandé de rester pénard. En passant, ici on a un gardien avec FUSIL!!!!!

I think of you all often and trust that as you pray for this project, the Lord will bless your faithfulness.

Je pense à vous tous et suis confiant que le Seigneur bénira votre dévouement dans la prière pour ce projet.


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